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Tag: Health Tip

Consider the consequences of vaping / Considère les conséquences du vapotage

Vaping can expose you to harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and acrolein, and metals and contaminants like nickel, tin and aluminum. You don't...

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) / Responsabilité sociale d’entreprise (RSE)

The relationship between the community, the workplace and the employee is known to influence employee health and well-being, as well as the...

Healthy Lifestyles / Modes de vie sains

A healthy workplace is one in which the organization cares about the physical and psychological health and safety of its employees and establishes...

Try goal setting! / Essayez d’établir des objectifs!

Welcome back to "health tip!" This new column aims at getting health information out to the CAF community.  Goal...

Take a Minute / Prenez le temps

Every year, across the globe, more than 800,000 people die by suicide.  For each completed suicide, there are approximately 25 times more...

Prepared and ready / Préparé et prêt pour l’action

Ensure you are prepared to quit smoking. This week’s tip is if you are thinking about quitting smoking, build a quit plan!...