CFLTC recently acquired a new rollerized floor for Traffic Training Cadre / CILFC a...
At an air movements squadron, a key component of cargo buildup and receipts section is a quality rollerized floor system, which is...
CFLTC Takes Home Trophy Against PSS in Cooking Competition
Operation MYSTERY MENU gave CFLTC and PSS cooks a chance to hone their skills in a three course competition
In November 2023, CFB Borden hosted...
A big day for CFLTC / Un grand jour pour CILFC
By / Par Brooke Belliveau, Citoyen Borden Citizen
A loud POP rang out, followed by cheers outside of Canadian Forces Logistic Training Centre’s (CFLTC) Headquarters...
CFLTC Helps Military Spouse Create Lasting Legacy at Remembrance Day Ceremony | Le CILFC...
Version française
The Commandant (Cmdt) of Canadian Forces Logistic Training Centre (CFLTC), LCol Shawn Courty and Training Centre Chief Warrant Officer CWO Michael Delarge, with...
Military Members and Cadets engage with the community at Baycats Game
Cadets of the Central Ontario Area, Cadet Activity Program stand as the Honour Guard for the opening ceremony at the Barrie Baycats Military Night...
Service second to none—CFLTC welcomes home their flag / Un service à nul autre...
During this symbolic presentation, the Commander of Military Personnel Command (MPC) Lieutenant-General (LGen) Lamarre and Deputy Commander Military Personnel Generation (MPG),...
Happy Anniversary to the Royal Canadian Logistics Service
It was a week-long celebration unlike any other during these challenging times of social distancing. The personnel at the Canadian Forces Logistics...
Celebrating in style at CFLTC: “We Had a Ball!” / Il fait bon danser...
In celebration of the Royal Canadian Logistics Service (RCLS) 52nd birthday, the Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre (CFLTC) held a series of...
The end of a summer at Music Division / La fin des activités estivales...
The Pipes and Drums Incremental Staff: Musicians are employed by the Canadian Armed Forces to provide support to military parades, dinners, events and ceremonies,...
Positive Side of Explosives, a glimpse into the training of an Ammunition Technician /...
I am an Ammunition Technician currently employed as an instructor at the Canadian Forces Logistical Training Centre (CFLTC), Explosive Division (X-Div).
Our trade is very small,...