Home CFB Borden Historic change as RCAF welcomes new Commandant

Historic change as RCAF welcomes new Commandant

(Première rangée, de gauche à droite) La Lcol B.J. Tinsley, commandant entrant de l’École ARC, le Col Darry Taylor, commandant de la 16e Escadre, et la Maj Colleen Halpin, commandant sortant de l’École ARC, signent les parchemins de la passation de commandement durant la cérémonie le 18 août 2022. (Deuxième rangée, de gauche à droite) L’Adjuc Robert Peldjak, Adjuc de l’École ARC, et l’Adjuc Andrew Rusconi, Adjuc de la 16e Escadre. (Photo : Cpl Lynette Ai Dang, Section d’imagerie de la 16e Escadre, 16e Escadre/BFC Borden)

The Royal Canadian Air Force Academy (RCAF) welcomed new leadership in a ceremony on August 18 that marked a historic change.

Major Colleen Halpin, who was appointed Commandant in July 2019, is recognized for a significant impact during their leadership, under which an increase in the area of responsibilities resulted in the Commandant position being upranked from Major to Lieutenant-Colonel, and the Deputy Commandant position being upranked from Captain to Major.

The change was implemented for the first time during the Change of Command ceremony last month, during which Lieutenant-Colonel (LCol) B.J. Tinsley assumed the responsibilities of Commandant of the RCAF Academy from Major Halpin.

Other achievements Maj Halpin is credited which include maintaining operations and the safe and effective running of courses during the pandemic, modernizing courses and introducing a new “Intro to RCAF” course, enhancing leadership training, and contributing to 58 additional permanent positions at Borden, among many others.

The incoming LCol Tinsley comes from a proud military family. She enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) in 1996 and graduated from the Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ont. with an Honours Baccalaureate of Arts in Military and Strategic Studies before starting in the RCAF. LCol Tinsley holds a Masters in Defence Studies, and an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Nipissing University for her advocacy work for women in leadership positions, and commitment to advancing education.

She has been posted to North Bay and Anchorage, Alaska, and deployed to Kuwait in 2014 as part of the Air Task Force for Operation IMPACT.

By: Emily Nakeff, Editor