This year’s celebration of Franco-Ontarian Day at CFB Borden looked a lot more like it has in the past. After a few years of smaller-scale ceremonies, welcoming back students and staff from one of the French elementary schools on the base was a highlight for Official Languages Coordinator, Jennifer Beltrano.
“I believe there is no better way to educate and enrich school-aged children [than] by including them in a celebration that highlights one of the very reasons they are fortunate to attend a French language school in Ontario,” she said.
Students from École élémentaire catholique Marguerite-Bourgeois assisted with the flag raising and sang “Notre place” and “Mon beau drapeau” for the small crowd gathered. The songs were selected based on their representation of the early struggles of equal language rights and Franco-Ontarian pride.

“They add so much excitement and pride to the ceremony!” said Beltrano.
The day is a chance to celebrate the language and culture of Francophone communities across Ontario. As a military base with a significant French population, recognizing this day annually is an important part of creating a welcoming environment for the Francophone residents and members of Base Borden.
“Highlighting events and ceremonies such as Franco-Ontarian Day is an opportunity for the Official Languages Office to bring together what I see as a truly supportive community.”
French activities and services on and around Base Borden
In early October, the Official Languages office brought back their Brown Bag Lunches event. Offered every Wednesday, it’s an opportunity for Anglophone Defence Team members interested in practicing French as their second language. For more information, contact the Official Languages office at 705-424-1200 ext. 1377.
Other helpful services for Francophones in the surrounding area include La Clé, Colibri centre des femmes francophones du comté de Simcoe, and Oasis centre des femmes.
By: Emily Nakeff, Editor