If you were trying to find a photo that would represent the word “resilient” in a picture dictionary, one of the images that might fit the definition perfectly would be a picture of a military child.
Families with a Canadian Armed Forces member will likely experience multiple moves during the military member’s years of service and military children follow the career paths of their parents wherever that may lead. That means changing and adapting to new schools, losing and making new friends, saying goodbye to perfectly decorated bedrooms and trying to fit furniture into a new space…the list goes on and on. Military children also often experience a parent being absent for weeks or months at a time, sometimes to risk-filled situations, and families need to figure out how they will operate with a key member not being present.
Enter the BFRC poster contest!
This April the Borden Family Resource Centre (BFRC) invites the community to share what the Month of the Military Child means to you by entering the BFRC’s Poster Contest! Contest packages can be picked up at the BFRC between 3 and 21 April with entry submission closing on 28 April.
Join the BFRC in celebrating military children and have a chance to win a FUN prize!
For more information or to register, please contact Debbie, Family Support Facilitator at 705-424-1200 ext. 2046/3994 or debra.legault@forces.gc.ca.