This summer marks the first time Blackdown Cadet Training Centre (CTC) is integrating cadets from the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada into combined summer training courses to improve international cadet cooperation at CFB Borden, Ont.
Each cadet, no matter their country of origin, arrived on 9 July to complete training in one of four disciplines Advanced Aviation, Survival Instructor, Drill and Ceremonial, or Expedition Team Leader. These courses are built to provide safe, fun, and engaging activities for youth, and build skills that will help lead them into adulthood.
“Blackdown Cadet Training Centre is excited to welcome back our cadets,” says LCol David Forster Commanding Officer of Blackdown CTC. “We are also excited to welcome international guests from the United Kingdom, and the United States to take part in our summer training courses, for the first time in our 30-year history. The opportunity that this exchange provides for these cadets is amazing, and a fantastic occasion to interact with our cadets in a cultural exchange through training and socialization.”
This summer the Expedition Team Leader leverages the skills and knowledge of Cadet Instructor Cadre Officers, Civilian Instructors and Staff Cadets to lead cadets through a 12-day expedition, featuring canoeing, hiking, and biking.

“The cadets are really thrilled to be here,” says Capt Gary Miniss, Supervising Officer from the Army Cadet UK. “They have made lots of new friends with their Canadian partners and they are looking forward to going on their expedition.”
The Advanced Aviation Course leverages the skills and knowledge of Cadet Instructor Cadre Officers, Civilian Instructors and Staff Cadets to lead cadets through topics such as aviation techniques, aviation communication and meteorology.
“We are really immersing ourselves in the Advanced Aviation program,” says Lt Col Robert Shaw of the US Civil Air Patrol. “Being here at the Training Centre we see there are so many other opportunities for exchanges, that we as senior officers are going explore.”
“I’m looking forward to visiting Niagara Falls,” says Cadet Sarah Brigham from Georgia Wing of the Civil Air Patrol. “When it comes to training, I’d like to learn the difference between US and Canadian aviation laws.”

All courses are three weeks in duration and take place at Blackdown CTC and the surrounding area extending out to Algonquin Park. The international cadets will graduate with their Canadian peers on 28 July.
Cadets attending Blackdown Cadet Training Centre courses will develop self-confidence, self-discipline and leadership skills through activities designed to provide advanced knowledge and skillsets required to be the driving force behind the goal of youth leading youth at all levels of the Cadet Program.