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    Borden Citizen Advertising

    The Borden Citizen began as a print publication and continued that way for over 70 years before moving to a digital format in 2020. This exciting new avenue offers more advantages than just one single placement in print. Cross-platform reach, pages, posts and social content work together to embrace our moto of ‘Connecting communities’. 

    The Citoyen Borden Citizen is your direct link to more than 5,400 Canadian Armed Forces members, their families, and civilians located at CFB Borden, one of the largest training bases in the Canadian Armed Forces. There are also up to 20,000 members training here at any given time. 

    Website Advertising

    Big Box Ads – Display your brand on the side bar of our landing page. Minimum one-month display period, that can start anytime and run for 30 consecutive days. 

    • Ad size – 350 x 250 px, 150 DPI, RGB
    • Booking Deadline – Week prior to month start. Mid month runs available (depending on availability)
    • Limited to 6 Big Box ads running per month. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity

    Leaderboard ads Premium advertising position on our website. Your ad will be displayed at the very top of every page on our site. Repetition is the key to successful advertising. Your ad will be located at the top of each page the reader clicks on, whether reading an article or browsing our unique content, your brand will be prominently featured.

    • Ad size – 728 x 90 px, 150 DPI, RGB
    • Booking Deadline – Week prior to month start. Mid-month runs available (depending on availability)
    • Limited to 5 banner ads running per month. Don’t miss out on this exclusive opportunity

    Contact Borden Citizen to book, and for pricing.


    The Citoyen Borden Citizen has been serving military members since 1948

    The Citoyen Borden Citizen reaches a unique audience at CFB Borden. As the sole newspaper in the community, we serve up to 20,000 military
    students who train at CFB Borden each year as well as their family members and the local communities.

    Many of these students and their families are new to the area; they are looking for services and businesses to meet their daily needs as they get to know our region. With the Citizen delivered to their door, they rely on us to help them settle into the community. As an advertiser in our paper, your business would be part of their first exposure to this area.

    A large percentage of our readers fall in the 25-34 age group, with 60% making a higher-than-average income. There is 100% employment with military members, many of them with a good deal of disposable income. Annual salaries for military and civilian Department of National Defense employees working on the base total approximately $142 million.

    The Citoyen Borden Citizen is considered a tool for the Base Commander to reach the troops, provide updated news and to educate surrounding townships about CFB Borden. Your advertising message will be viewed and read by a captive and allegiant audience.

    The Citoyen Borden Citizen is a fantastic opportunity for advertisers who would like to connect to our Canadian Armed Forces community, and take
    advantage of this unique market.