What it means to be a cook | Un cuisinier, qu’est-ce au juste?
Provided by / Fourni par: Sean Osztian
(Left to right): Chief Petty Officer, 2nd Class (CPO2) Daniel Faucher, Warrant Officer (WO) Sean Osztian, Petty Officer...
Earth Day 2018 | Le Jour de la Terre 2018
Photo Credit / Crédit photo: Bryan Pellerin
Boy Scouts plant trees at CFB Borden / Les scouts plantent des arbres à la BFC Borden
Sunday, April...
Maple Taffy and Smiles | De la tire d’érable et des sourires
Eloise, Drin, Rafael (1st row L to R) Isabelle, Sammy, and Arthur (2nd row L to R) enjoy their fresh maple taffy, colourful balloons...
Easter brunch at Marguerite-Bourgeois | Brunch de Pâques à Marguerite-Bourgeois
Students from Marguerite-Bourgeois celebrated Easter by sharing a meal on March 29, 2018.
Les élèves de Marguerite-Bourgeois ont célébré Pâques en partageant un repas...
Challenges of bodybuilding | Le culturisme et ses difficultés
Katleen Tremblay competed and won two gold medals at the Barrie Naturals Bodybuilding competition with the Ontario Physique Association which was held on July...
Military launches app to help CFB Borden | Militaire lance une application pour...
By/Par: Yanik Gagnon, Citoyen Borden Citizen
On December 1, 2017, the Canadian Armed Forces Relocation Program (CAF RP) launched a new self-directed web-based information service....