Home CFB Borden Invest in yourself!

Invest in yourself!

Are you feeling run down, tired or feel like you are never going to finish that to do list? If so, this might be an indication that it is time for you to “recharge” your own battery. This holiday season might be a great time to start doing exactly that!

Before we get into the holidays or even to make sure they don’t get away from us, use some time to plan how you can look after your health and wellbeing during this stressful time. For some ideas and tips, check out the information available in the Strengthening the Forces Holiday Newsletter.

If you feel that the holiday season is just too busy for you to be able to do this, maybe you should look at investing in yourself as your New Year resolution for 2023. There are many strategies that you can help improve your health and wellbeing, you just have to find some that work for you.

In January 2023, Health Promotion Borden has a great program starting that could be right for you. It’s called the Health Nudge, and will focus on topics such as healthy eating, appropriate physical activity, sleep/rest, and positive coping strategies for stress. For more information and to register for this program, check out our website at CFMWS.

By: Nathaniel Smith, Health Promotion Specialist at CFB Borde