Cadets of the Central Ontario Area, Cadet Activity Program stand as the Honour Guard for the opening ceremony at the Barrie Baycats Military Night in Springwater, Ont. on 11 August 2022. (Photo credit: Capt Paul Ardan, Blackdown Cadet Training Centre)
After a two-year pause in attendance at community events due to COVID-19, Canadian Armed Forces members and Cadets took part in the opening ceremony at the Baycats Military Night in Springwater, Ont. on 11 August.
In attendance from Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden were LCol Shawn Courty, Acting Base Commander and Commandant of the Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre (CFLTC), and Col Darryl Taylor, 16 Wing Commander on hand to throw the honorary first pitch. MWO Brian Driscoll, Company Sergeant Major of Music Division at CFLTC was also on hand for the signing of O Canada.
“Post COVID this is the first opportunity the CFB Borden community has had to participate in an event with the local community,” said LCol Courty. “We are very happy to reconnect with our neighbours, and participate in this event connecting the local community with members of CFB Borden.”

Also part of the opening ceremony were cadets of the Blackdown Cadet Training Centre who acted as the Flag Party.
“It is with great pride that Blackdown Cadet Training Centre returns to its goal of training our youth with practical skills and then demonstrate them in our community,” said LCol David Forster Commanding Officer of the Blackdown Cadet Training Centre. “The Staff Cadets in the Flag Party are just a small example of the work we are doing this summer and showcases our future leaders.”
Cadets of the Central Ontario Area, Cadet Activity Program (CAP) acted as Honour Guard for the event.

“Bringing such junior cadets to a function like this, and having them show off the knowledge, and ability they’ve gained during CAP is a great testament to the program,” said LCdr Reilly, Officer in Charge of the Central Ontario Area, CAP.
Cadets practiced all day and were nervous, but excited to partake in a community event. Cadet Keedyn Kennedy from 283 Trillium Royal Canadian Sea Cadet Corp in Midland, Ont. who participated as a member of the Honour Guard said “It was stressful because my parents were watching, but I’d say it was a huge honour to participate in the event.”
There were also 100 other cadets that came to cheer on the home team. This also marks one of the first opportunities cadets in the area have been able to come together and participate in a community event during the summer.
Cadet Eesha Kannan from 2799 Queens York Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps in Aurora, Ont. said “I felt honoured to have this wonderful opportunity.”
The Baycats came out with a 3-1 win vs. the Welland Jackfish. Both members of the CFB Borden community and Cadet Program left excited to participate in similar community events in the future.
By: Capt Paul Ardan, Blackdown Cadet Training Centre