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Military Wives Choir seeking new members

Interested in singing? The Borden chapter of the Canadian Military Wives Choir is actively seeking new members!

Borden is one of 15 groups across Canada, with roots dating back to 2013 in Canada after being originally established in the UK. This no-pressure group meets weekly with an emphasis on building connections within the military community, with no auditions or musical experience needed.

No commitment is required either, so anyone curious to give it a try is encouraged to come for a few weeks to see whether it’s a fit. For those on the shy side, there’s no need to even sing on your first time out.

Current members can’t say enough good things about being part of this group.

“For me it was a support thing,” said Michelle Clifford, Treasurer for the Borden Military Wives Choir. “The choir kind of started as my husband was deployed, so it was kind of a thing for me to get out and do something away from the house. Instead of just sitting there on my own, it was something for me to do. And then it’s kind of grown as being a support system when you need something, you’ve got somebody there that you can talk to.”

The Borden Military Wives Choir meets Tuesday’s from 1800 hrs to 2000 hrs (Photo: Emily Nakeff, Borden Citizen)

On top of building a community with people who can understand the challenges and realities of a military lifestyle, some love it simply because it’s a great way to socialize and learn something new.

Maude Jean Workman, the group’s Music Librarian, is a military spouse who said she always felt like her husband had extra-curricular activities. Despite working as a civilian employee for the Borden Family Resource Centre, she didn’t feel she had the same opportunities for socializing outside of work.

“This is actually the first time that I found something for me, that gave me something to do with other military spouses,” she said.

Because the core repertoire is the same with all chapters, being part of the Military Wives Choir at one base means you’ll have a built-in community to step into if posted to another military base at any point. The group is also adding some new songs into their lineup, including Anna Kendricks’ “Cups”.

Following a three-year interruption shortly after the group first formed in 2020 because of the pandemic, the choir has recently resumed public performances at the CFB Borden Remembrance Day ceremony and local events.

The Borden Military Wives Choir formed in 2019. The group is now excited to be getting back into live performances.

The group is always open to new members ages 18 and over, including spouses of serving and retired members, civilian employees, and military members. Practices are held Tuesdays from 1800-2000 hrs at the Music School (building E-51 at 501 Cambrai Rd) September through June. Dues are $15 per month, and the last Tuesday of every month the group hosts a potluck social for the second hour of rehearsal. The next newcomers night is 28 March at 1800 hrs.

Those interested are welcome to drop in, or contact the choir with questions at canadianmwc.borden@gmail.com or on Facebook at Canadian Military Wives Choirs Borden.

By: Emily Nakeff, Editor