Over the past few years energy conservation has once again become a colossal issue in Canada and throughout the world, with extensive media coverage on such topics as climate change, high electricity prices and the reality that our fossil fuel supply will not be around forever.   Many people consider our high rate of energy use to be essential in order for us to maintain our high standard of living here in Canada.  It is interesting to note that in various European countries where people enjoy a standard of living equivalent to ours, people only use half as much energy per person. The reason for this phenomenon is because energy costs in Europe have been surging upwards for quite some time now, and energy waste could not be tolerated.  This reinforces the practice of energy conservation, as when we have no other alternative but to pay high energy prices we will have to be accustomed to do more with less.

Below are some energy conservation tips that you can immediately take advantage of to keep the Base electricity consumption low and reduce strain on the electrical grid:

  • Avoid using incandescent task lighting (desk lamps).   Ask your building manager for a compact fluorescent or LED bulb to replace the incandescent bulb in your task light.
  • Statistics outline that electrical loads from plug-in equipment can account for up to 30% of a building’s total energy usage and it can be easily managed.
  • Eliminate lights that are not necessary. Many offices are over lit.  You may be able to turn off up to half of the overhead lighting without a problem.

Below are some home energy conservation tips that you can immediately take advantage of to conserve electricity and keep money in your pockets:

  • If every household in Ontario replaced just three 100 watt incandescent bulbs with 10 watt LED bulbs, a total of 1.3 MWh would be saved. That translates into enough power to supply 130,000 homes, or a city the size of Windsor.
  • Weatherize your home. By simply caulking, sealing and weather stripping around all your windows, outside doors or where plumbing, ductwork and electrical wiring penetrate exterior walls, floors or ceilings, you can save 10% to 25% on your yearly utility bill.
  • Keep your furnace clean, lubricated and properly adjusted. Clean or replace the filter regularly. Dirty filters reduce airflow and make your furnace work harder.

By: Alex Savu, RP OPS Det. Borden – Energy Manager