Home National Army Run Run Soldier Run!

Run Soldier Run!

The Army Run is a regular event for the Canadian Armed Forces in September. These races start at 5km and continue to the Commander’s Challenge (half marathon + 5km). This year, we have the option of an in-person race or a virtual race. Although we’re only in April, it’s already time to register.

The race is not something that everyone would adopt in the same manner. Some people will enjoy running while others will not like it at all. It is about discipline, determination, and resilience. Some people refer to the second runner’s breath when they get more energy. Some others will mention the runner’s state of mind when dopamine comes into play and brings some runners’ consciousness to another level.

Crossing the finish line can be made much easier by our beliefs and values. As long as we can hold onto something that will give us the strength to continue and overcome our difficulties or challenges, we will be fine. Considering the people around us is also necessary. They may feel discouraged and ready to throw in the towel. But all they need is a little spark or a good word of encouragement, like “Continue!” or “You can do it!”. And even if we stumble and end up lying on the ground, we are still able to get up and continue our race. We will then cross the finish line, motivated and focused on our well-being and happiness.

By: Padre Lt(N) Christian Pichette

Padre Lt(N) Christian Pichette is a course director at the Canadian Forces Chaplain School and Center (CFChSC) in CFB Borden.