The benefits of strength training / Les avantages de l’entraînement en force musculaire

Hey Borden, my name is Brandon Gaudette. I am a Georgian College Fitness and Health Promotion graduate, Canadian Society of Exercise Physiology Certified Personal...

New month-new challenge! / Nouveau mois – nouveau défi!

Every month, the Personnel Support Programs (PSP) Fitness and Sports Instructors introduce a new fitness challenge as a way to motivate members to challenge...

Stronger, Faster, Fit Program / Programme Force, rapidité et forme physique

Left: Katleen in 2012, right: Katleen in 2018 / Gauche: Katleen en 2012, droite : Katleen en 2018 The Personnel Support Programs (PSP) initiative, Stronger,...

Dancing the night away / Soirée dansante

Splash pads are known for laughter and play from children, providing them with a refuge from the heat, as they joyfully spray one another...

RHU summer beautification / Embellissement estival des unités de logement résidentiel

Borden Residential Housing Unit (RHU) winner, 25 Moro Loop/ Gagnant du concours d’embellissement des ULR de Borden, 25, boucle Moro. This year’s Residential Housing Units...

Mentoring tomorrow’s leaders / Guider les leaders de demain

Out of all of the cadet training centres across Canada, one stands out amongst the rest. With the responsibility of training over 3,000 cadets each...

“Vimy” visits Borden summer camp / « Vimy » visite le camp d’été de la BFC...

Borden summer camp participants met a special guest at the Buell Fitness & Aquatic Centre on the morning of 27 July 2018.  Vimy, the...

Profession of Arms: Where Leadership Begins! / La profession des armes : là où...

As a non-commissioned member (NCM) I have often wondered where I stood within the military, trying to determine what it means to be in...

CFOne Appreciation Day was a success! / La Journée de reconnaissance des FC a...

Giggles and cheers can be heard from the children playing in the large bouncy castle that sets the family-fun theme for the annual CFOne...

Col Atherton attends the Graduation of the Two Week General Training Course / Col...

On Friday, 20 July, 2018 Colonel (Col) Atherton and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Charrette attended the the graduation of the first serial of general...
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