Putting safety into practise / Mettre la sécurité en pratique

In order to celebrate and emphasize the importance of safety during National Safety Week 18-22 September, the Canadian Forces Health Services Training Centre (CFHSTC)...

CAF National Sports – Soccer / Sports nationaux des FAC – Soccer

Men’s Final -As players arrived at CFB Borden’s fields early on the morning of September 14, adjusting a camera to film the men’s national...

Fun at Family Day | Plaisir au rendez-vous à la Journée de la famille

By / Par Brooke Belliveau, Citoyen Borden Citizen Great excitement filled the air at CFB Borden’s baseball diamonds on September 16, as the community gathered...

BBQ for benefaction / Barbecue de bienfaisance

Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) staff and students took a break from the mess, and held a charitable BBQ on September 7. Cpl Farrow...

Practice makes Perfection for 16 Wing! | La perfection, ça s’apprend à la...

By / Par 16 Wing Public Affairs16e Escadre affaires publiques 16 Wing was honoured with the responsibility to provide direct support to the RCAF Colours...

A big day for CFLTC / Un grand jour pour CILFC

By / Par Brooke Belliveau, Citoyen Borden Citizen A loud POP rang out, followed by cheers outside of Canadian Forces Logistic Training Centre’s (CFLTC) Headquarters...

Better than an honour / Plus qu’un honneur

“Thank you for your service,” is a meaningful sentiment that is heard by serving members fairly often, but when the thanks takes the form...

New Dog Park / Nouveau parc canin

CFB Borden is proud to announce the opening of our new dog park, located at the corner of Melpha Loop and Saskatchewan Blvd. A...

Symbol of Authority and History / Un symbole d’autorité et de notre histoire

On August 15, the Chief Warrant Officer of the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), CWO Poitras, presented a Ceremonial Cane to the RCAF Academy...

Bringing home the hardware | Le Club de taekwondo de Borden remporte des médailles

By / Par Maj L. Blanchette, Instructor / instructeur, Borden Taekwon-Do / Club de taekwondo de Borden Several members of Borden Taekwon-Do recently competed in...
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