Blackdown battalion parade / Parade de bataillon de Blackdown

At Blackdown’s battalion parade this past Saturday, the special guest was the Reviewing Officer, Sir Thomas Colvin William Ingilby, 6th Baron of Ripley Castle...

Mentoring tomorrow’s leaders / Guider les leaders de demain

Out of all of the cadet training centres across Canada, one stands out amongst the rest. With the responsibility of training over 3,000 cadets each...

Col Atherton attends the Graduation of the Two Week General Training Course / Col...

On Friday, 20 July, 2018 Colonel (Col) Atherton and Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) Charrette attended the the graduation of the first serial of general...

Base Imagery mentoring cadets at Blackdown CTC / Mentorat de cadets par le Service...

At Blackdown Cadet Training Centre(CTC), two staff cadets are working alongside the public affairs team this summer to develop their photography and videography skills....

Change of command parade kicks off another year of summer training at Blackdown CTC...

Passing of Change of Command Certificates, Blackdown CTC Change of Command Ceremony, July 6, 2018. / Remise des attestations de passation de commandement, lors...
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