Keeping Borden beautiful / Pour que Borden reste belle!

On Saturday 10 August, the BBCC (Base Borden Community Council) had their summer beautification contest. This is an opportunity to give thanks...

The ups and downs of life / Les hauts et les bas de la...

A number of years ago I had the opportunity to attend a training exercise at Shaw Air Force Base in South Carolina. While...

Linguistic Duality Day / Journée de la dualité linguistique

As we prepare to celebrate “Linguistic Duality Day” on September 12, I would like to take this opportunity to challenge you to...

Take a Minute / Prenez le temps

Every year, across the globe, more than 800,000 people die by suicide.  For each completed suicide, there are approximately 25 times more...

The CAF and the United Way: a strong partnership / Les FAC et Centraide...

Being in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) can be tough. On top of the obvious challenges like deployments, training...

Celebrating a 48-year career in the Public Service / Une carrière de 48...

Helen Anning, the Executive Assistant to Base Commanders has taken her retirement after a stellar 48-year career in the Public Service. A...

RCAF welcomes new Honorary Colonel / L’ARC souhaite la bienvenue à son nouveau colonel...

In an Investiture Ceremony held at the CFB Borden Officers Mess on 29 August the Royal Canadian Air Force Academy (RCAF) bid...

Walking to raise $1 million for Terry / Une marche visant à amasser...

Second World War veteran Will Dwyer has been walking over the past 39 years to raise a staggering $1 million for the...

Quick thinking saw fire controlled rapidly / Un geste spontané a permis de maîtriser...

A fire can be sparked in the blink of an eye, and can spread even faster – this was the case last week...

Prepared and ready / Préparé et prêt pour l’action

Ensure you are prepared to quit smoking. This week’s tip is if you are thinking about quitting smoking, build a quit plan!...
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