Stu Beaton receives Provincial Distinguished Service Medal / Stu Beaton reçoit la Médaille provinciale...

Last year, the Air Cadet League of Canada honoured a select few recipients for the inaugural presentation of the Provincial Distinguished Service...

Borden hosts Men’s Hockey Regional Championship / Borden accueille le championnat régional de hockey...

The Men’s Hockey Regional Championship recently took place at CFB Borden from 13-17 Jan 19. The round-robin tournament included...

Bravo-Zulu, 16 Wing / Bravo-Zulu, 16e Escadre

16 Wing Commander, Colonel Pascal Godbout, 16 Wing Honorary Colonel, Colonel Renee van Kessel and 16 Wg WCWO, Chief Warrant Officer Lisa...

32nd annual Mash Bash a “phenomenal success” / Le 32e MASH Bash annuel remporte...

Taking part, and contributing to the annual Mash Bash fundraising event has been a tradition of CFB Borden personnel for many years. 

From generation to generation / De génération en génération

Lieutenant-General C.A. Lamarre, Commander Military Personnel Command, representing all current serving logisticians, passes the Royal Canadian Logistics Service flag to three...

Supporting operations overseas / Appui aux opérations à l’étranger

Some of you might have noticed I haven’t been around the gym lately; this is because I am currently in the lovely...

What is your 2019 resolution? / Quelle est votre résolution pour 2019?

What is your 2019 resolution? How do we get where we are going? Simple question really, and yet not so simple. I...

Government of Canada Charitable Campaign gives back to community / La Campagne de charité...

CFB Borden gave back in a big way to the 2018 Government of Canada Charitable Campaign (GCWCC), raising over $100k.

Soldiers’ cries for help all part of the learning process
 / Des soldats appellent...

The soldiers floating in the broken ice of Parry Sound’s harbour were calling for help. “Help me, I’m freezing,”...

$800 million to modernize RCAF Griffon helicopter fleet / 800 millions de dollars pour...

Group photo (from left to right) Lieutenant Colonel Allan Ireland, Cynthia Garneau, President Bell Helicopter Textron Limited, Andy Fillmore, Parliamentary Secretary...
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