Home CFB Borden Fresh-Air Life: Outdoor Physical Activity and Tobacco Cessation Workshop

Fresh-Air Life: Outdoor Physical Activity and Tobacco Cessation Workshop

One of the best things that you can do to be healthy is to quit using tobacco and vaping products. It will increase your energy levels, quality of life and reduce the risk of several chronic diseases. According to Dental data from 2022, 19.48% of CFB Borden’s CAF personnel are tobacco users – this is a markedly higher percentage when compared data from the Canadian Community Health Survey which states only 12% of Canadians over 15 use tobacco. In recognition of this, Borden is committed to ensuring that support is available to the Defence team in hopes that we can reduce the number of users and the impact on those who have made the choice to be tobacco and vape free.

31 May is the World Health Organization’s World No Tobacco Day and with health at the forefront, CFB Borden has made changes in the current tobacco and vaping use policy (BBSAI 1028).  As of January 2024, the new policy has been in effect. The main intent is to promote health and wellness by creating healthy living spaces and reducing the amount of tobacco and vaping use areas on the base. Our aim is to minimize exposure to second hand smoke for all persons at CFB Borden, decrease the social acceptability of smoking and negative role modeling for new employees and youth.  Everyone has the right to breathe smoke-free air indoors and outdoors.

If you are looking to quit tobacco or vape use, your Health Promotion Team are launching a campaign to help Base Borden quit for good! Fresh-Air Life, an outdoor physical activity and tobacco cessation workshop, starts on 4 June and runs each Tuesday (4 sessions) 1130-1300. It is open to all Defence Team members who are interested in quitting or have already quit. You can also join the self-help Butt Out program where you are the guide based on your schedule and availability. Click here on or before 31 May 2024 to register.  

  • Physical activity can decrease nicotine-related cravings and tobacco withdrawal symptoms.
  • Combining exercise with existing smoking cessation treatment options (e.g., counselling, nicotine-replacement therapy) can help to promote and sustain smoking abstinence and increase the likelihood of a successful quit attempt.
  • Active outdoor time doesn’t cost a thing and is associated with several physical and psychological health benefits, including positive effects on stress-related brain regions, reducing mental strain, and lowering the use of certain prescription medications.

So let us help you build some active outdoor time into your day this June and increase your chances of remaining tobacco and vape free.

By: Scott Rollo, PSP Borden Health Promotion Specialist