Canadian Rangers moving ahead after COVID-19 pandemic in Northern Ontario

Canadian Rangers deliver firewood to a home in Bearskin Lake First Nation last winter. The residents, who were quarantined because of COVID-19, used the wood...

Canadian Rangers and OPP work together to rescue fisherman

Canadian Rangers arrive at the missing fisherman's hunting camp by boat. Photo credit: Sergeant Spencer Anderson, Canadian Rangers Canadian Rangers in an isolated First Nation in...

Friendly hug from Minister of Defence leaves Ontario Junior Canadian Ranger feeling inspired 

JCR Nadia Shoomin from the First Nations community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake) was in Victoria British Columbia May 21 to the 23...

Canadian Rangers guard National War Memorial in Ottawa

Ranger Howard Jacob of Webequie First Nation guards the National War Memorial in Ottawa. (Photo: >Captain Camilo Olea-Ortega.) Four Canadian Rangers from remote First Nations in...

Junior Canadian Rangers’ Camp Loon is back for this summer

Junior Canadian Rangers jump into a lake to cool off on a hot day at Camp Loon in 2019. Photo: Sergeant Peter Moon, Canadian Rangers After...

Canadian Rangers from Northern Ontario help celebrate 75th anniversary

A group of seven Canadian Rangers from five First Nations from across Northern Ontario have participated in a national celebration of the 75th anniversary...

Canadian Rangers providing emergency help in James Bay evacuations

Canadian Rangers are providing emergency assistance to three remote First Nations on James Bay as spring ice break-ups threaten to flood the communities. “It’s a...

Canadian Ranger staff member in CFB Borden receives honours for financial best practices

Earlier this year, Corporal Natalia Toussaint – a financial services administrator with 3rd Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (3CRPG) – received the Chief Financial Officer...

Canadian Ranger instructors train with shotguns to stop bear attacks

Canadian Ranger instructors fire shotguns at targets on shooting range. (Photo: Sergeant Peter Moon, Canadian Rangers) Most members of the Canadian Armed Forces never fire...

Canadian Rangers busy aiding remote First Nations in COVID-19 crises

A soldier and a Canadian Ranger organize emergency supplies for distribution in Deer Lake First Nation. (Credit: Canadian Rangers) Canadian Rangers are actively assisting four First Nations...
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