Want to make some money for your club? / Aimeriez-vous recueillir des fonds pour...

Each year, Operation Red Nose locations across Canada select deserving charitable organizations to receive donations gathered from participants during the annual campaign. These donations...

Take A Stand Against Family Violence / Luttez contre la violence familiale

What is family violence? We can all agree that family violence is present when accompanied by bruises, cuts, and other obvious physical signs. But...

Building links / Établir des liens

On Wednesday, Oct 3, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden played host to 39 Deans representing technical colleges from across Canada. The College representatives were treated...

Seasonal changes reduce pedestrians, walkers, runners, and joggers’ visibility / Les changements saisonniers rendent...

Be seen - Be safe The gradual decline of daylight hours means a reduction in visibility at dusk and dawn. Be seen while walking, running,...

CAF Family Violence Prevention & Awareness Campaign / Campagne des FAC en matière de...

“Take a Stand” Against Family Violence 15-19 October 2018 What is Family Violence? Family violence is a complex and destructive social phenomenon that occurs throughout Canadian...

A higher power / Une puissance supérieure

A guardian angel is an angel that is assigned to protect and guide a particular person or group. Belief in guardian angels can be...

Adios, Farewell, Adieu, Arrivederci, Ciao, auf Wiedersehen, Bon Voyage, Sayonara…

As the saying goes, “all good things must come to an end,” a sentiment that military families know too well. I began my journey working...

Competing on the world stage / Prendre part à une compétition mondiale

The International Taekwon-Do Federation World Championship was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 31 July – 6 August 2018. This competition is held every...

Positive Side of Explosives, a glimpse into the training of an Ammunition Technician /...

I am an Ammunition Technician currently employed as an instructor at the Canadian Forces Logistical Training Centre (CFLTC), Explosive Division (X-Div). Our trade is very small,...

Message from the Fire Chief / Message du chef du service des incendies

Well done Borden, last year’s fire prevention theme was “Every second counts, plan two ways out.” The Fire Prevention and Education program recognized two...
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