CFLTC Music Division summer concerts / Concerts d’été de la Division Musique du CILFC

The summer training session at Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre (CFLTC) Music Division started 17 April and continues through August. Musicians from the three...

Logistics leadership welcomes the next generation / Les officiers supérieurs du Service de Logistique...

Col Harding presenting a Logistics Branch cap badge to a Supply Tech QL3 graduate. / Le colonel Harding remet un insigne de coiffure du...

Toy Box In The Garden: A grand finale indeed! | Toy Box In The...

Ladybugs take the stage in a wonderful ballet performance. / Les coccinelles envahissent la scène pour un merveilleux numéro de ballet Base Borden’s Terra Theatre...

Eid al-Fitr, the Festival of Breaking the Fast on 15 June 2018 / ...

At the end of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan and fasting , the month of Shawwal (Islamic lunar calendar) starts with three days...

June is Recreation Month: Get up, get out and get active! Juin, le mois...

Staff prepare for 5K run. / Les membres du personnel se préparent pour la course 5K. Physical activity plays an important role in the health,...

A blast to remember / Une explosion dont on se souviendra

Logistics Branch Advisor, Colonel Johnson prepared to initiate the blast. / Le conseiller au Service de la logistique, le colonel Johnson, s’apprêtant à déclencher...

Movement Officers in the making | Officiers des mouvements à venir

Seated/assise (L-R/g-d): Capt A. Salov, Maj R.E. Christie, Capt J. Phillips, Capt D.R. MacVicar. Second Row/ 2ème rangée (L-R/g-d): Lt D.R. Wilson, Capt K.J....

And death shall have no dominion | Et la mort n’aura pas d’empire

In the light of the tragedy in Humboldt Saskatchewan I thought again of the words of Dylan Thomas, who wrote a poem called And...

Eliminating barriers | Faire tomber les barrières

(Left to right): Capt Suleyman Demiray, Maj Gord Mintz, Lt Serap Bulsen, Capt Barbara Helms and LCol Claude Pigeon at the Isra and Mi’raj...

CAF is #HumboldtStrong | Les FAC #soutiennentHumboldt

100 staff members at the CFLTC stood in the rain as a group to show their support towards the Humboldt Broncos victims and their...
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