Balance for Better / Penser équitablement

The Defense Women’s Advisory Organization (DWAO) gathers for a coffee break at the Base Borden Officers’ Mess (BBOM). Holding up their...

Setting the Bar / Viser haut

At the beginning of the year, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) launched the FORCE Rewards Program; a program designed to recognize and...

Supporting local communities / Soutenir les collectivités locales

Various members of CFLTC PAT Platoon offer support to the Orillia Food Bank, The Sharing Place, with their move to their...

“Black box” cook-off / Concours culinaire

Under the watchful eye of MWO Benelhour, a CFLTC team member works on meal preparation. / Sous l’œil attentif de...

Stu Beaton receives Provincial Distinguished Service Medal / Stu Beaton reçoit la Médaille provinciale...

Last year, the Air Cadet League of Canada honoured a select few recipients for the inaugural presentation of the Provincial Distinguished Service...

Bravo-Zulu, 16 Wing / Bravo-Zulu, 16e Escadre

16 Wing Commander, Colonel Pascal Godbout, 16 Wing Honorary Colonel, Colonel Renee van Kessel and 16 Wg WCWO, Chief Warrant Officer Lisa...

What is your 2019 resolution? / Quelle est votre résolution pour 2019?

What is your 2019 resolution? How do we get where we are going? Simple question really, and yet not so simple. I...

$800 million to modernize RCAF Griffon helicopter fleet / 800 millions de dollars pour...

Group photo (from left to right) Lieutenant Colonel Allan Ireland, Cynthia Garneau, President Bell Helicopter Textron Limited, Andy Fillmore, Parliamentary Secretary...

Nerf battle: oh it’s on! / Bataille de fusils Nerd: c’est parti!

Do your kids love Nerf battles? Would you prefer they not shoot their guns off in the house? Do they have excess...

15 years of giving back | 15 ans à semer la joie

2018 marks the 15th year that members of 400 Air Maintenance Squadron from CFB Borden make their annual visit to the Hospital...
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