Fig and almond brown rice | Riz brun aux amandes et aux figues
Version française
Here is another festive-looking recipe. This recipe would work great as a side with any holiday meal.
1 tbsp (15 mL) canola...
CFLTC Helps Military Spouse Create Lasting Legacy at Remembrance Day Ceremony | Le CILFC...
Version française
The Commandant (Cmdt) of Canadian Forces Logistic Training Centre (CFLTC), LCol Shawn Courty and Training Centre Chief Warrant Officer CWO Michael Delarge, with...
BFRC Virtual Programming December 13-18 | CRFB Programmation virtuelle Semaine du 13 au...
Stay and Play Away Tuesday, December 14 at 9:30 a.m.
Tween Activity Wednesday, December 15 at 4:30 p.m.
The Borden Family Resource Centre buildings are closed...
Fostering Acceptance and Inclusivity at Borden | Favoriser l’acceptation et l’inclusivité à Borden
Version française
On Friday 19 November, CAF and Defence Team members gathered for a ceremonial flag raising in recognition of the Transgender Day of Remembrance....
Technical Services Command Team Message / Message de fêtes de la part de l’équipe...
As we enter the festive season the Technical Services Command Team wishes all Base Defence team members a peaceful and safe holiday. It was...
Colourblind? Daltonien?
Version française
In the charged discussions recently about race, racism, privilege, and ignorance, one thing among many that troubles me is the idea...
Ho Ho Hold the Holiday Energy Waste | Ho ho holà le gaspillage d’énergie...
Version française
Arguably one of the most imperative problems facing the world today is how to maintain a steady economic growth without having negative effects...
Borden Artists Featured in Barrie Art Exhibit | Des artistes de Borden sont en...
Version française
MCpl Elena Vlassova, an Image Technician with the Canadian Forces Training Development Centre and Lee-Ann LeMesurier, a full-time reservist, are both members of...
Chunky sweet potato and peanut soup | Soupe consistante aux patates douces et aux...
Version française
Throughout the month of December, why not look at some festive looking recipes! Here is a hearty soup to help keep warm on...
International Volunteer Day | La Journée internationale des bénévoles
Every year on 5 December, a global celebration of volunteers is held. This day is recognized as International Volunteer Day. The Borden Family Resource...