Health & Physical Fitness Day returns to Borden
Canvas painting activity during Health and Physical Fitness Day 2022.
After two years of virtual programming, Health and Physical Fitness Day returned to an in-person...
Grilled flank steak with BBQ veggies
This recipe for the BBQ can be used in a variety of ways. As a salad, with a side starch or on its own;...
New Supervisor Trouble
Dear CCMS,
My new supervisor is very sullen and at times surly. When he arrives in the morning, I greet him with “good morning”. Most...
Air Show food drive helps feed 400 families
Food donations in exchange for parking at the 2022 Borden Canadian Armed Forces Day & Air Show, presented by BMO couldn’t have come at...
Record-breaking attendance at 2022 Borden Air Show
Record numbers turned out for the 2022 Canadian Armed Forces Day & Air Show, presented by BMO, with 54,000 in attendance over the two-day...
Save this summer with CF Appreciation
With costs continuing to rise for food, fuel and housing, it’s more important than ever to spend smart. Why not do the same with...
Fish and fresh herb veggie packets
Here is another easy and delicious recipe for the BBQ. You are also getting in a serving of fish!
1 bunch of fresh asparagus,...
BFRC programming week of July 10 – 23, 2022
Dispatches Adventure Ride Tuesday, July 12 at 7:00 p.m.
Rehoming Your Plants! Wednesday, July 13 at 9:00 a.m.
How To Talk So Kids...
Friendly hug from Minister of Defence leaves Ontario Junior Canadian Ranger feeling inspired
JCR Nadia Shoomin from the First Nations community of Kitchenuhmaykoosib Inninuwug (Big Trout Lake) was in Victoria British Columbia May 21 to the 23...
Canadian Rangers guard National War Memorial in Ottawa
Ranger Howard Jacob of Webequie First Nation guards the National War Memorial in Ottawa. (Photo: >Captain Camilo Olea-Ortega.)
Four Canadian Rangers from remote First Nations in...