Turkey chili
Here is the last classic dinner recipe recommended by Canada’s Food Guide for the month.
1 pkg (500 g) lean ground turkey
10 mL...
Athena’s Sexual Assault Counselling and Advocacy Centre is supporting the 2021 Healthy Relationships Campaign!
The Healthy Relationships Campaign is taking place from 18 to 29 October. The purpose of the campaign is to promote healthier relationships and to...
PSP Staff Recognized for Outstanding Contributions
Like everywhere, the way work was done at Base Borden changed drastically during the pandemic. But our mission remained unchanged. Staff across Personnel Support...
Celebrating Achievements of CFLTC Medal Recipients
Three deserving members of the Canadian Forces Logistics Training Centre (CFLTC) were recently awarded for outstanding service. LCol Shawn Courty, Commanding Officer, CFLTC and...
Loving “Us”
When I meet a couple who has been together for 40+ years, I’m inclined to ask them what they’ve done to make their relationship...
Mac and cheese with a veggie twist
This month we are looking at some classic dinner recipes that are recommended by Canada’s Food Guide. Here is another fan favorite.
Celebrating Borden’s Francophone Community
Civilian staff and military members at CFB Borden gathered to celebrate Borden’s francophone community on Friday, 24 September with a flag raising in recognition...
How individuals’ sex, gender and sexual orientation affect their adjustment to the COVID-19 crisis
International Mental Health Day aims to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world, mobilize efforts in support of mental health and dispel...
Conserve, it’s in Your Hands
Knowing when and how you are using your energy is the first step to becoming energy efficient and environmentally friendly. The focal point of...
BFRC Virtual Programming Week of October 25-30, 2021
Special Needs Parent Support Group Monday, October 25 at 7:00 p.m.
Parenting Strategies for Tweens & Teens Wednesday, October 27 at 6:30 p.m.