Champion’s Message for Women’s History Month 2020

October is Women’s history month, and National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) are pleased to join the international community in highlighting...

First-ever National Defence Black History Month event sparks meaningful conversations

On February 6, 2023, Defence Team members gathered in person at National Defence Headquarters (Carling Campus) and online for the first-ever DND/CAF Black History Month national...

Black History Month: Changing Through Listening

Everyone agrees – 2020 was a year of unprecedented events, global change, and important discussions on racism and discrimination. The Canadian Armed...

A virtual group for relatives of CAF members

Almost two years ago, two volunteers from the Military Family Resource Center - Montreal Region (MFRC), Joanne Saccomani and Ann Marcotte, launched...

CFFCA Borden Receives CC-115 Buffalo SAR Aircraft Gift

This summer the CFFCA was given a Buffalo Search and Rescue aircraft from BC In June of 2023 the Canadian Forces Fire and CBRN Academy...

Newfoundland soldier of the First World War identified

The Department of National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces have identified the remains of Private John Lambert, a First World War soldier of The Newfoundland...
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