Paddles up! À vos pagaies!
CFB Borden takes part in Barrie Dragon Boat festival
The day could not have been more idyllic for...
Barrie Baycats host annual military Night / L’équipe des Baycats de Barrie organise la...
The Barrie Baycats had their annual Military Night this past 20 July 2018 at Coates Stadium, hosting numerous military personnel from Canadian Forces Base...
Bringing home the hardware | Le Club de taekwondo de Borden remporte des médailles
By / Par Maj L. Blanchette, Instructor / instructeur, Borden Taekwon-Do / Club de taekwondo de Borden
Several members of Borden Taekwon-Do recently competed in...
CFB Kingston wins Women’s Hockey Regionals/L’équipe de hockey féminine de la BFC Kingston remporte...
The opening ceremonies, held on the evening of 16 January at the Andy Anderson Arena in Borden, commenced the 2020 Ontario Region...
2019/2020 Sports Year – Individual Awards
The highlight of every CFB Borden sports season is the end of year Sports Awards Ceremony. With COVID canceling the 2019/2020 Awards...
Competing on the world stage / Prendre part à une compétition mondiale
The International Taekwon-Do Federation World Championship was held in Buenos Aires, Argentina from 31 July – 6 August 2018. This competition is held every...
Hockey night in Barrie scores for RVH / Soirée de hockey réussie à...
Photos and captions by/ Photos et légendes par: Avr Caitlin Paterson, CFB Borden Imagery/ Imagerie BFC Borden
Work hard, Play harder | Travailler avec intensité, jouer avec encore plus d’intensité
By / Par Capt Thierry LeDuc, RCEME / GEMRC and / et Brooke Belliveau, Citoyen Borden Citizen
At the end of November, the folks at...
CFB Borden Regional Soccer Tournament / Tournoi régional de soccer de la BFC Borden
Coming off a fresh 6-1 win over Trenton, Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Borden women’s soccer team faced off against CFB Kingston on 19 July...
Another Golf Nationals in the books / Un autre championnat national de golf dans...
Beautiful weather and days full of golf, who could ask for more?
The Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Golf Nationals took place between 11 August and...