Health Promotion

Health tips, recipes, and fitness related content. Live a healthy and active life with the help of the PSP Health Promotion team at CFB Borden.

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Identifying Unhealthy Relationships

Every October, the Healthy Relationships campaign takes place. This year, it runs over two weeks from Oct 19 to 30. (This campaign...

Thriving Relationships – small things add up

The Healthy Relationships campaign runs annually in October. This year, it takes place over two weeks from Oct 19 to 30.

Healthy Relationships Campaign 2020

This year’s Healthy Relationships campaign runs in October, from the 19th to 30th.  Why do we even focus...

Keeping Fit or Staying Active while not at the Gym

Throughout the pandemic, many have been trying new activities and strategies to keep fit and active. Home gym supplies, bicycles, and all...

We have a Winner for the Summer Wellness Challenge!

The Summer Wellness Challenge has come to an end! If you are not familiar with the challenge, participating individuals had to complete...

World Suicide Prevention Day

Annually, 10 September is World Suicide Prevention Day. It is a day that the International Association for Suicide Prevention uses to promote...

Health Promotion is returning to the Classroom!

From the onset of the COVID 19 pandemic, the Health Promotion team moved its operation online to provide the best possible virtual...

Healthy Coping

Even though we are more than five months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the stressors associated with it are still present and are...

The Summer Wellness Challenge is Underway!

We are just about to complete week 6 of the Summer Wellness Challenge.  But do not worry, you are not too late. ...

What’s new in Canada’s Food Guide

In January of 2019, Health Canada released the latest version of Canada’s Food Guide, which looks quite a bit different from the...
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