Health Promotion

Health tips, recipes, and fitness related content. Live a healthy and active life with the help of the PSP Health Promotion team at CFB Borden.

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Pork tenderloin noodle bowls

These all-in-one dinner bowls feature all the Pad Thai flavour without the fuss. Ingredients 1 tsp...

I tried yoga with the F&S team – this is how it went

PSP offers free fitness classes Monday to Thursday. I tested each one out so you know what to expect. Of all the Noon Fitness classes...

Fun flatbread pizza

Here is a recipe that is good for dinner and if you make enough, it can also help with lunches the next day! Ingredients: 4...

Enhancing your lifestyle—get fit, don’t quit! / Pour un style de vie plus sain...

From left to right, Captain Jason Doucet, Carrie Ehnisz, Kristina Duck and Brian Duck are participants from the last Weight Wellness course offered, collectively...

Kickstart your new year with the Health Nudge Challenge

Was one of your new year’s resolutions to develop healthier lifestyle habits? Look no further, the Health Promotion team here at PSP...

Bell Let’s Talk 2021

Bell Let’s Talk Day is Thursday, January 28 and we’re joining in to help drive progress in mental health.

Macaroni and cheese with vegetables

Who doesn’t like mac and cheese?  Choose your vegetables and even alternate the shape of the pasta to make it fun.  Serve with a...

Maple banana bread

Here is another great breakfast option. It can be wrapped up in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for about three days or...

The Summer Wellness Challenge is Underway!

We are just about to complete week 6 of the Summer Wellness Challenge.  But do not worry, you are not too late. ...

Prepared and ready / Préparé et prêt pour l’action

Ensure you are prepared to quit smoking. This week’s tip is if you are thinking about quitting smoking, build a quit plan!...
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